Pudding for the Bub

On occasions, I will decide to pick up a pack of chocolate pudding at the grocery store. Much like my father before me, I can have a bit of a sweet tooth. On one particular occasion when about the time Bub had about two teeth coming in and just starting to walk, I had gotten some pudding cups and decided to let Bub try some. He was walking around the house playing with toys and exploring. I think we had something on the TV that he was watching off and on. My wife was working at the kitchen table and I was sitting in the recliner with a laptop on my lap working. I had my feet up, and I had put the pudding cup on the coffee table next to me. In my peripheral vision, I see Bub walking along the couch looking at me but not really trying to get my attention, hanging on to the couch while he walks. I see him disappear behind my laptop screen to where my feet or up in the recliner. The next thing I know, I feel a sharp pain in my big toe. I jump up with a start, toss my laptop over next to me on the couch, shout like Forrest Gump "Somethin' bit me!!!"  I spring up to my feet to check and see what the Bub has done. When I finally spot him, he is running through the kitchen, already out of arms reach holding my pudding laden spoon in his mouth and trying his best to get away. When I realized that my son had just stole some pudding from me and then created his own diversion...I wasn't even mad. I could not help but to die laughing and then I shared with my wife what he did and she laughed too. Quite clever for a toddler.


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