Bub, the cartoon character
My son reminds me of many things.
My wife and I are constantly seeing physical traits and personality quirks that remind us of ourselves or family members. My son also has somethings about him between his appearance and his actions that remind us so much of a cartoon character.
My wife and I are constantly seeing physical traits and personality quirks that remind us of ourselves or family members. My son also has somethings about him between his appearance and his actions that remind us so much of a cartoon character.
From an early age he appeared to have comedic timing down. For example. One of the first times we took him to my wife's grandparents house, we put him in his walker and turned him loose to walk and play around the living room. As we are talking and joking about keeping him, my wife's grandmother said "Well, I guess the warranty has run out on him so you have to keep him." Immediately after she said this, he stops playing and gets really quiet while looking at us. We stop talking to look at him, and suddenly he starts crying his eyes out, as if he understood what we were saying. It was the funniest and most pitiful thing I had seen from my son to that point.
I say to that point, because he continually outdoes himself and is constantly pressing the envelope on both the things he says and the actions he does. We call him "Bub" which is short for "Bubbula"-a Yiddish word of endearment meaning "darling". As most kids his age, he has a high pitched voice which he can use to great effect in terms of his pitch and tone, which makes for all kinds of hilarity. His first Halloween that he dressed up and went with us out, he dressed up like Linus, and looked the part.
He would later start to pick out his own costumes, and decide he likes wearing them even when its not Halloween. The above picture of him with his Scooby-Doo costume was taken in September. By the time Halloween came around, he had a second costume and proceeded to wear both on that Halloween: he had to have a wardrobe change between trunk-or-treat sites.
I say to that point, because he continually outdoes himself and is constantly pressing the envelope on both the things he says and the actions he does. We call him "Bub" which is short for "Bubbula"-a Yiddish word of endearment meaning "darling". As most kids his age, he has a high pitched voice which he can use to great effect in terms of his pitch and tone, which makes for all kinds of hilarity. His first Halloween that he dressed up and went with us out, he dressed up like Linus, and looked the part.

While on maternity leave, my walk took him for a walk and came to my work at lunch to let me see him. He was born with so much hair that after he would have a bath, it would seem to defy gravity as it dried, sticking straight out. This would give him a slightly manic or crazy kinda look to him. He came through the door that day with his hair sticking straight up and made me think of a character that should be on Rugrats.
But what can I say but that I adore this Mickey Mouse loving, silly little creature.
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